Thursday, 18 June 2009

links to my world

yes i have many sites... mmmm... i'm working with my friend Ruan Qianrui on build a new site on same URL. therefore you can see my new works in an explicit way. now you can check my old field recording, live recording and (especially) information of Chinese underground music / sound experiment. this is my blog. mostly in Chinese but you can find many pictures and some sound clips. as well as a collection of links of Chinese new sound on right of the page. i have a label. or, better to say, i'm in a group of creative people. we publish CD, CDR, VCD, book, T-shirt, sticker and everything. we organize concert and festival. we are planning to do some happening and a magazine now... it's all in guerilla way. this is a festival for experimental music and sound art hold by Sub Jam as branch of MIDI Festival the biggest rock/pop music festival in China. i have upload some sound and video. and write my event schedule here. this is a internet community in Chiese only.

my email:

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